Fashioning Alaska's Future!
We offer portable merchandise kits to Student Clubs for community centered pop-up events! Earn money for your school and promote mentorship classroom visits while going local.
Investing in young Alaskans drives our mission and sharing that sentiment seamlessly is an effort worth wearing. Whether you're most at home in urban, rural, or remote Alaska, we want to get in gear with you!
Action Oriented
Support Alaskans
Mentoring Tools
Inspired by Alaskan Owned and Operated businesses, we're a clothing & gifts company focused on social fabric. Purchases support mentoring in schools, student clubs, and local scholarships. Contact us to bring our brand to your city, village, or borough!
From the Owner: "When I was growing up, students had limited opportunities to connect with local leaders. I want to help change that dynamic for future generations." Becky Strub
AK Business Magazine 2021
2021 Sponsor